Friday, May 18, 2012


I'd read that some children with severe eczema had almost miracle reactions, or at the very least, visibly improved skin within just a few days of implementing the soap switch.  I know yesterday was the first day, but after so many measures to try and protect Sam from detergent residue last night I thought for sure he'd wake up looking maybe a little bit better.

In fact, his skin today was the worst I have seen it. It FELT the worst too, all thick and raised and far more dry than I knew human skin could feel. It felt very much like reptile skin, especially his legs. The whole surface of his skin was bumpy, blistery, and angry red with some open sores. At first I thought he must be reacting to the peppermint oil or one of the other oils in the Dr. Bronner's soap. But that didn't make sense because the night before last he had no problem with being washed in the peppermint soap.  I then remembered two things:  1) Solve Eczema. org said the transition phase between detergent and soap can be even more irritating than detergent was alone, and not to freak out, it would pass  2) Sam had a fever the night before, and that fact combined with slathering ointment on him and then long clothing after a warm bath could very well lead to prickly heat rash which is common in babies. 

Later in the morning I realized his brother William also had broken out in a little clusters of red bumps and sores on his arms and legs, and he'd had the fever longer so I assume it is a virus one caught from the other.  If Sam's rash is of the same origin it makes sense it would look and behave ever so much worse on his already damaged (eczema) skin. So there could be a number of factors influencing Sam's skin today to explain why it looks so awful. 

I just need to keep moving forward. I was complaining to my mom today about not seeing a change, and she reminded me it has only been 2 days!! I knew going into this it might take 4 to 6 months to see real improvement, yet I get antsy and impatient so quickly and want to know the beginning from the end, whether this effort will pay off or not. 

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