Friday, May 25, 2012

Slow Going

I wrote last week about superwashing the first few loads of laundry 5 or 6 times each. Now I don't think that was enough. Even with Sam on Orapred, he has been itching at night and breaking out in a fine rash even though everything he touches after an evening bath was superwashed in soap: towel, jammies, bedsheets. Maybe there is still detergent in the tub, or I'm not washing it off his skin well enough, or there is still a fair amount left in the fabrics.  Maybe its his diet.  We were doing Dr. Pagano's Healing Psoriasis diet for a couple of weeks and I swear his chest and cheeks cleared from that effort but I couldn't keep it up long enough to prove a direct cause and effect.  The diet was quite costly.  In fact lately we've had to break pretty much all the rules for the Pagano diet simply because our budget doesn't exactly allow for a diet requiring specialty foods like goat milk and yogurt, salmon, gluten-free grains and lots of green. (Yes, when you are trying to do green smoothies everyday, produce actually gets very expensive. It's sad that eating in a healing manner has to break the bank.)

I haven't been able to do much more in the way of soap since those first couple of days. Everyone being so sick last week got us off track, and then I ran out of soap so I'm sitting here with piles of laundry everywhere that I refuse to wash in detergent. I am lucky to have some family members who care about Sam enough to have helped with ordering some soap from Cal Ben Soap Company and that box is on its way! For now there is not much I can do to further this effort. In fact, I did give in in the dish department when hot water rinses weren't getting my dishes clean. I started using my box of powdered detergent in the dishwasher again (though now I cringe everytime I pour it in) so we will at least have clean dishes until the soap arrives.  It is interesting to note that the first time I used the dish detergent again, my hand eczema immediately returned and started itching like crazy.  However after washing my hands with soap (we still have some in the bathrooms for hand washing) the itching stopped immediately.  The connection is definitely there. 

I'm starting to realize this change will not be immediate, and especially on our limited resources, seeing results will likely take some time. We just have to do what we can when we can. Most of our clothing is several years old or hand-me-downs and will probably need to be washed 10 times to get the residues out. That is a lot of washing, water, and expense when you have 5 people, their bedding, the extra sheets and bedding and towels. 

Sorry, I know I have done a lot of whining in this post but one of the purposes of this blog for me is to record my experience through all of this including the ups and downs and setbacks and frustrations.  Hope to be able to post some good news and progress soon. 


  1. Hi! Just wanted you to know I read this blog.

    I think your blog is awesome and each post is fascinating, so don't feel bad if you want to whine or have a pity party in a post or two! You are going through a lot, so vent away if you need to.

    I really hope things get better for you guys. Little Sammy's pictures make me want to cry, so I'm sure as his mom it is just breaking your heart. :( Hang in there, and keep it up. And keep documenting! It will help others for sure.

  2. Thank Holli! It really made my day to see this comment from you. Your encouragement means a lot! I hope you are doing well, we really miss you guys here in Athens! Sometimes I think about how Rhys would have been in William's sunbeam class and they'd probably be getting along better by now. :)

  3. Hi CJ, I thank you for writing this post, because now years later...I am feeling the SAME way right now.... It's cool to see how far you've come and it gives me hope to keep on going. I know I can't change everything in one day, or even one week. I have dirty dishes and dirty laundry and not the right products to move forward, so it's frustrating. I also refuse to pour detergent on though, I just can't do it. I can't find soap flakes ANYWHERE in stores, so I'll have to order online and wait for them to arrive. Anyhow, thank you so much as I help my baby boy in ways I never knew were possible / didn't know existed. You've given me a beacon of hope by sharing your story!


Thank you for your comment. I will do my best to reply as soon as possible, but there are often delays as this blog is only a side project to share what I have learned with others. Life goes on with three busy little ones and homeschooling so I ask for your patience. If you want to make sure you do not miss my reply, include your email in "emailaddress at dot com" form and I will email you directly.

Any product promotion or spam including business links are not permitted and will be deleted. Thanks and happy healing.